Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone!!! May the love of the Father, the gift of Jesus, and the fellowship of His Spirit be with you.


It is fairly often there is a conundrum in Micah's life...presently it would be whether or not to come in from the snow...but the lure of grilled cheese and hot vegetable soup won him over.

Monday, December 22, 2008

our dibbin

here's our little dibbin...and her wonderfully squishy face....

scones and hot milk

Caleb and Micah are thoroughly enjoying their scones and hot milk... one of their favourite breakfasts.

joe's toilet training

I know the title is misleading, but joe had a neat training session...or crash course this past week on how to fix a toilet. He now knows the "ins and outs" of putting a toilet together. The puns are I better stop; nevertheless here is my wonderful husband at work:)